Have you already sold an article spot? Then you know there are a few steps left from inquiry to completing the transactions (e.g. negotiating a price and payment method, supplying contents, etc.). The DirectLinks by DomainBoosting.com allow you to significantly reduce these steps: you create and send a DirectLink and next you already have the job assigned.
Your compensation for publishing an article will be reserved from the advertiser's account when the job is assigned. Once you have completed the job your pay will immediately be credited to your account. You can request a disbursement of the available balance at any time starting at a balance of 20€. Payment from DomainBoosting is quick and secure. You can use the time for time-consuming monitoring of your payment transactions otherwise.
Einen DirectLink für einen Deiner Blogs kannst Du jederzeit in wenigen Augenblicken erstellen. Dazu gibst Du einfach den Preis für die Veröffentlichung an und bestimmst, wer den Content für Aufträge aus dem DirectLink liefern soll. Alle weiteren Details des Angebots, wie zum Beispiel Deine ausführliche Beschreibung oder die Anzahl der zu setzenden Pflicht-Links, werden automatisch deinen Angaben für Direkt-Buchungen entnommen.
It's important to keep track of the DirectLinks sent, since anybody with access to the link can immediately book your offer. DirectLink management for your blogs will keep track. Here you will immediately see which links you have generated and how long they're still valid. A generated DirectLink will automatically expire after 14 days, but you can also manually delete it during this time.