You will be able to use a link planner for each project where you can already enter the links to be inserted prior to a booking. You can simply select planned links once booked without the need to reenter them. This will eliminate any typos. Any links you insert in the project will further be saved in the link planner history so you will never lose a link.
The link planner will initially only check the links used for your bookings for the frequency of the various anchor texts and Link targets. The result provides you with two rankings with the anchor texts and links targets you use the most. This data will help you plan other bookings: you will immediately see which links have been neglected and which links you have already built.
Analysis of the links inserted by you is still pending. The link planner will also provide you with information about how frequently various domains are mentioned in your anchor texts. It is well known a sound link profile also includes a certain amount of links with domain mention. The static on domain mentions will help you call up the number of domain mentions in your anchor texts, allowing you to recognise the need for optimisation sooner or avoid it altogether.
Anchor texts continue to be a proven means for search engines to determine the topic, thus the relevance of a website for certain search queries. It's advisable to also place the keywords for which a ranking in search engines is desired, into the anchor texts of the incoming linking. You can simply add keywords for the keyword mention statistics in your anchor texts to always be clear on the allocation of your keywords.
The content planner by will assist you in selecting the contents for your publications. Like the link planner, you can use the content planner to add texts to be published for each of your projects to make the individual bookings even more convenient for you. The content history will also show you exactly which texts you used when and for which booking.
The options to already plan the content and links for individual projects in advance and to monitor the link building status at any time with statistics make it easy to delegate link building with After determining the content and links for a project there's little room for error in your project as long as it's known which blogs are being sought.